The Development of Assessment and Screening Platform for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus for Control Blood Sugar of Waiting a Doctor and Unnecessary Drugs in Mahachanachai hospital Yasothon Province


  • Rattasat Sudnongbua สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดยโสธร


Web application, Smart NCDs Application, Diabetic patients, HbA1c control


This research aims to develop a web application (Smart NCDs Application) under the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model and the Joint Application Development (JAD) concept, which serves as a tool for screening, providing advice, and guiding self-management for type 2 diabetes patients at Mahachai Chai Hospital in Yasothon Province. The study is divided into two phases: Phase 1 involves R&D research for the Smart NCDs Application development by 5 developers, selected through a specific method. Phase 2 assess the effectiveness of using the Smart NCDs Application with a quasi-experimental study on a target group of type 2 diabetes patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels (HbA1c≥7). 32 patients received the Smart NCDs Application, while another 32 received traditional clinic services. The research was conducted four months, involving data analysis with frequency, mean, standard deviation, and statistical tests such as the independent t-test at a significance level of .05.

The research findings indicate that the Smart NCDs Application effectively retrieves and records individual patient data and processes HOSxP system linkage to provide recommendations and self-management guidelines efficiently. Moreover, the study reveals that the experimental group, utilizing the Smart NCDs Application, experienced a reduction in average HbA1c levels after 12 weeks of usage, although statistical significance was not observed compared to the control group (p = 0.384). Additionally, from satisfaction assessments, it's concluded that the Smart NCDs application has successfully decreased waiting times for chronic disease clinic appointments at Mahachaiyachai Hospital in Yasothon Province. Patients expressed satisfaction with the provided recommendations and self-management guidelines from the Smart NCDs Application. Consequently, these research outcomes should be utilized to further develop service systems in chronic disease clinics.


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