Uterotonic Agents Used in Cesarean Delivery

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Patchareya Nivatpumin


Uterotonic agents are used to prevent and treat
postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal or cesarean delivery.
In order to achieve the maximum standard of care,
anesthesiologists must know the actions, dosages,
contraindications and side effects of uterotonic agents.
Although oxytocin is the first-line medication, the fact that
oxytocin receptor desensitization can occur makes the
availability and understanding of second and third-line
medications essential. These alternative uterotonics
include ergot alkaloid and prostaglandins. The aim of this
article was to provide a review of what is currently known
about the guideline-based use of uterotonics relative to
their use to prevent or treat postpartum hemorrhage. This
information may improve care team treatment decisions
and patient outcomes among patients with postpartum

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Review articles


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