Precision Medicine: an Interesting Role in Anesthesia

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Sudta Parkkamodom


In those days, a doctor took care of patients
indifferently. The treatment on the par-individualized
medicine-was based on statistical data of the population.
However, people characteristics are diversified by means
of genotype which affecting pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetics. Thus, this management-the precision
medicine-becomes more specific.
In anesthesia, the quantitative determination of
pseudocholinesterase by dibucaine number, is a good
example for everyone to understand the genetic effects
on anesthetic drug, as succinylcholine.
However, in monitored anesthesia care, the personnel
need more information on pharmacogenomics of
morphine-induced respiratory depression. This is to avoid
over dosage of the pain-killer.
In the near future, knowledge of anesthesia personnel
with different experience will insidiously decline by means
of genetic testing.

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