Anesthesia and Euthanasia : Congruence but Difference

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Varathip Thongdech


Though digital technology, artificial intelligence and
precision medicine can prolong human life. Man is still
inevitable to face the suffering and agonizing pain from
the diseases. Is there any solution to manage this anguish
with peaceful mind and pass through it in a very short
period of time?
Since man has rights to handle his life with pride and
dignity. As a result, Euthanasia is so delicate that patients
are deserved to treat with respect. This manipulation is
based on the professional etiquettes, contexts of law,
social culture and beliefs as well as religious doctrines.
Yet, Thailand has not approved law and legislation on
Euthanasia, as it is legally liable for intentionally killing
others according to the penal code. However, if patients
have Advance Directives for naturally passive death. They
will no longer be supported by any terrific medicines or
equipments under the supervision of board-certified
The knowledge in anesthesia regarding unconsciousness, analgesia and muscle relaxation lets a person pass
away in peace. Anesthetics slow down the central nervous
system to deep coma, followed by the failure of respiratory
and cardiovascular system.

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