Perioperative Management in a Patient with Malignant Hyperthermia in a Primary Care Hospital: a Case Report

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Sasiya Siriratwarangkul


An adult female patient presented with severe pelvic pain at a primary care hospital in Suratthani. She was diagnosed as a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The emergent operation was immediately set. After a short period of anesthetic induction, the abnormal hemo- dynamic parameters appeared. The nurse anesthetist realized the anesthetic-critical event “Malignant Hyperthermia”. Many maneuvers were performed to manage the patient. Eventually, they can transfer this patient to our secondary care hospital in time. Dantrolene, a specific drug was infused into the patient. The life-threatening situation was resolved. Finally, the patient was discharged home safely with the counselling of this critical events to her relatives. 

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Case reports


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