Blood Utilization of Preoperative Cross-Matching for Patients Underwent Elective Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

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Sasithorn Thanasriphakdeekul
Aksorn Pulnitiporn
Kesinee Promkote
Narissara Malee


Background: Routine preoperative cross-matching in patients with minimal utilization or without transfusion is common and leads to a costly waste of resources. This study aimed to evaluate the blood utilization in elective obstetric and gynecologic surgery in Khon Kaen Hospital. Methods: A prospective descriptive study was conducted from February to September 2019. 100 patients per each elective operation; cesarean section, explore laparotomy with benign condition, total abdominal hysterectomy and cancer surgery were included. An amount of preoperative cross-matching and blood transfusion during perioperative period were recorded. Cross match-to-transfusion (C:T) ratio was calculated for each operation. Results: 400 patients were included. Total prepared PRC for surgery were 122, 171, 159 and 386 units in cesarean section, explore laparotomy with benign condition, TAH, and cancer surgery, respectively. No one in caesarean section group received blood transfusion. Only 29 from 400 patients got blood transfusion including 4 patients (7 units) in explore laparotomy with benign condition, 7 patients (9 units) in TAH and 18 patients (33 units) in cancer surgery. C:T ratio were 24.4, 17.6 and 11.7, respectively. Conclusion: Blood utilization in all 4 obstetric and gynecologic surgeries was quite low. Routine cross-matching in elective surgery was not necessary. Only those who were at risks of perioperative blood transfusion required pre-operative blood preparation.

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