An Incidence Rate of Serious Complications in Patients Undergoing Anesthesia for Neurological and Brain Surgery at Srinagarind Hospital

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Lumyai Sabangban
Narin Plailahan
Cattleya Kaseamsiri
Thirada Jimarsa
kotchakron Palachewa
Wilawan Somdee


Introduction: Surgery is one the main management for neurological and brain disorders. Patients with such conditions undergo surgery and general anesthesia. However, these procedures come with potential complications that can significantly impact patient outcomes. This study aims to analyze severe complications while also identify opportunities for improving clinical practices and enhancing patient care quality. Methods: Data collected from patients who underwent neurosurgery and received anesthesia at Srinagarind Hospital between January and December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. The data included demographics and severe complications. Results: There were 1,225 cases who underwent neurosurgical anesthesia. Most of them had a Glasgow coma score over 8. Most surgeries lasted less than or equal to 6 hours. Craniotomy was the most common type of procedure. Most cases did not receive blood transfusion. General anesthesia (balanced inhalation technique) was predominantly used. Most cases had endotracheal tube retained during transferring to intensive care unit or ward. Severe complications occurred in 7 cases (0.6%). These included brain edema, severe arrhythmia, reintubation, severe hypothermia, and severe postoperative nausea/vomiting. No death was identified. The incidence was lower than the previous year. Conclusion: The incidence of severe complications in this study was 0.6%. The incidents include brain edema, severe arrhythmia, reintubation, severe hypothermia, and severe PONV. This incidence decreases compared to the previous years’ data. The utilization of clinical practice guidelines specific to this patient population has proven beneficial in addressing these issues proactively, and physicians can effectively manage and emphasize the patient safety.

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