General anesthesia for cesarean delivery in osteogenesis imperfecta patient

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Ampawan Tanyong
Pannika Vorapaluk


Background and objectives: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare connective tissue disorder that affects approximately 1:60,000 - 1:20,000in general population and 1:30,000 - 1:25,000 in obstetric patient. The objective of this report is to present rare case of parturient with severe type of OI.A case report: A Thai 25-year -old pregnant female, gestational age of 38-week with OI was scheduled for elective cesarean delivery due to cephalopelvic disproportion. The patient had severe form of OI with moderately severe pulmonary restriction. The general anesthesia with rapid sequence induction was conducted without any complications and patient was discharged in postoperative day 2.Conclusion: General anesthesia is one of the safe alternative techniques for cesarean delivery for OI patient. However, the proper pre-anesthetic consideration and preparation are essential and eventually improve the outcomes in these patients.

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Case reports