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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • To submit your manuscript, please ensure that you provide the following: 1) full manuscript 2) submission form 3) IRB certificate (required for research articles).
  • Include your phone number and email address for contact regarding the manuscript submission in the ‘message to the editors’ section.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

          Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, accepts research articles and academic articles in both Thai and English. Article quality is assessed by at least 3 experts in related fields from various institutions. The assessment is double-blind peer review where the expert and the author do not know each other's information.

  1. A research article refers to a publication which presents concise research data in a systematic way. Its components include the title, author’s name, abstract, rationale and significance of the problem, objectives, hypothesis (if any), research framework, methodology, findings, discussion, research recommendations, acknowledgment (if any) and references. The article typically ranges between 10-15 pages.
  2. An academic article refers to a publication that introduces concepts from an existing body of knowledge through critical analysis and the author’s experience. It may also present new ideas to inspire readers to reflect upon their thoughts and apply the presented ideas for the benefit of society. The article’s components include the title, author’s name, abstract, introduction, content, conclusion, and references. The article typically ranges between 10-15 pages.

Preparation of the manuscript (Instructions for preparing the manuscript)

  1. Apply to be a member of Nursing Journal, Chiang Mai University through the online journal system of the ThaiJO system at no cost.
  2. Type the original manuscript with Microsoft Word using the font TH SarabunPSK, size 16, for both Thai and English letters. One page must consist of 1 column, single space, printed on white A4 paper (size 21×29.7 cm.) with a top margin of 3.81 cm., a bottom margin of 2.54 cm., a left margin of 3.81 cm., and a right margin of 2.54 cm. The original manuscript must have the length including references of 10-15 pages.
  3. The use of Thai language must adhere to the principles of the Royal Institute, using Thai as the main language and using English in cases where there are no words spelled in Thai. Translating English words into Thai or transliterating them must adhere to the principles of the Royal Institute. In terms of using abbreviations, the full word must be written in the initial writing and standard abbreviations should be used.

          Section 1: First page of research article and academic article

                    Title must be specified in both English and Thai by typing it on the first page in the middle with a length not exceeding 120 characters. For English titles, type the first consonant of every word using capital letters except conjunctions. For example: Components of Innovative Work Behavior Among First-line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals and Government Hospitals

                    Author’s name must be specified in both English and Thai without including rank or academic position. In cases where there is more than one author, list the names in order of contribution and show the affiliations of all authors. For e-mails, include only the primary responsible person for the article (Corresponding author). Additionally, add an asterisk (*) to the end of the author's last name and to the title in the case of a student's thesis.

                    The student's thesis must specify the name of the course, including fields of study in both English and Thai.

For example:

* Master's thesis, Master of Nursing Science Program in Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University

* วิทยานิพนธ์หลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการผดุงครรภ์ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

          Abstract should be written separately in English and Thai. The English abstract should not exceed 300 words and the Thai should not exceed 400 words. The content of the English and Thai abstracts must be consistent with the appropriate use of language as complete sentences, convey the meaning clearly and concisely, and have no references in the abstract.

          Research article: Write a brief abstract about the importance, research design, objectives, methodology (samples, research tools, data analysis) research results, and research benefits.

          Academic article: Write a brief abstract about the main content, purpose of the article, and conclusion.

          Keywords are words to help search and access articles. They should be short, concise, to the point, and have meaning by specifying 3-5 words in both English and Thai.

Section 2: Content of the article

Research article

          Background and importance of the problem
          Research objectives
          Research hypothesis (experimental research)
          Conceptual framework used in research
          Research methodology
                    Population and sample
                    Research tools
                    Protecting the rights of sample groups
                    Data collection            
                    Data analysis
          Research results
          Discussion of results
          Suggestions for applying research results
          Suggestions for future research

Academic articles


Section 3 Citation and References lists

  1. Citations follow the format of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition, with references provided in the text and in the references list at the end of the chapter.
  2. Reference documents should not be more than 10 years old, except for certain types of books or textbooks that are theoretical or philosophical.
  3. All reference items in Thai must be changed to English and specify the word (in Thai) at the end of the list.
  4. Reference documents should not exceed 30 items.
  5. It is the author's responsibility to strictly check the accuracy of references according to APA, 7th Edition format.

          Writing references in the content (In-text citation)

          References to names of people in the content, if they are Thai people, specify the first name followed by the last name in Thai outside of parentheses. Within parentheses, specify only the surname in English, such as Kannika Kantaruksa (Kantaruksa, 2022). If the person referred to is a foreigner, specify only the surname, such as Bandura (Bandura, 1977), etc.

Writing references at the end of chapter (References list)

  1. In order to arrange references list, arrange the last names of the authors in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  2. In the case where the first author is the same person and has many publications, arrange them in order of publication year, starting with the year of publication first.
  3. Sort single-author publication ahead of co-authored works, even if published first, in alphabetical order of last name.
  4. In the case where there are many authors, arrange alphabetically by last name of the first and subsequent authors in order.
  5. For citing the same or multiple authors with multiple publications from the same year, arrange in alphabetical order of the title (not including the words A or The), using the letters a, b, c in order of the year of publication.

Examples of the format for writing end-of-chapter references from various sources are as follows:

1. Writing references from journals
          Example of academic journal citations in book form

Krikitrat, P., & Sriarporn, P. (2022). Encouraging fathers to support breastfeeding: The role of nurse-midwife. Nursing                    Journal CMU, 49(1), 329-339 (in Thai)

          Example of an online academic journal citation with the code number doi

Robinson, P. (2021). Long COVID and breathlessness: An overview. British Journal of Community Nursing, 26(9), 438-443. 

          Example of an online academic journal citation that does not include the code number doi

World Health Organization. (2022). WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard.

          Example of a citation where there are more than 19 authors (please specify all authors 1-19, after that add three dots ... with one letter space before and after the dot, and ends with the last author's name)

Wang, X., Li, Y., O'Brien, K. L., Madhi, S. A., Widdowson, M. A., Byass, P., Omer, S. B., Abbas, Q., Ali, A., Amu, A., Aziz-                    Baumgartner, E., Bassat, Q., Brooks, W. A., Chaves, S. S., Chung, A., Cohen, C., Echavarria, M., Fasce, R. A., Gentile, A.,          ... Respiratory Virus Global Epidemiology Network. . (2020). Global burden of respiratory infections associated with           seasonal influenza in children under 5 years in 2018: A systematic review and modeling study. The Lancet Global           Health, 8(4), e497–e510.

2. Writing references from books and textbooks
          Example of writing a reference to an entire book

Murdaugh, C. L., Pender, N. J., & Parsons, M. A. (2019). Health promotion in nursing practice (8th ed.). Pearson.

          Example of writing a reference for a book with an editor

Cunningham, F., Leveno, K. J., Dashe, J. S., Hoffman, B. L., Spong, C. Y., & Casey, B. M. (Eds.). (2022). Williams Obstetrics                (26th ed.). McGraw Hill.

          Example of writing a chapter reference in a book with an editor

Suwonnaroop, N., Piyopasakul, W., & Panitrat., R. (2016). Thailand: Nursing theory and theory-based education,                          practice, and research. In J. J. Fitzpatrick & A. L. Whall (Eds.), Conceptual models of nursing: Global perspectives                  (5th ed., pp. 198-212). Pearson Education.

3. Writing references from the thesis
          Examples of thesis references from the website

Axford, J. C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacific Island community conserved areas? [Doctoral dissertation,                           University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia].

          Example of writing a dissertation reference that has not been published.

Knight, A. (2001). Exercise and osteoarthritis of the knee [Unpublished master's thesis]. Auckland University of                             Technology.

4. Reference from pictures or diagrams

          Pictures or diagrams should be original and created by the author. If taken from another source, permission should be obtained from the owner and the source should be cited in APA style, 7th edition. For captions, type them under the image.

Submitting the original article (Submitting the original article)

  1. The author must register as a member of the ThaiJo system or, if a member of the ThaiJo system, can log in to the system and follow the system user manual in order to submit an article through the Nursing Journal CMU in accordance with steps. The information and instructions for using the journal system of the authors of the ThaiJo system can be studied.
  2. Download the article submission request form via the ThaiJo system of Chiang Mai University Nursing website URL: By filling out all fields completely.
  3. The author submits documents via the ThaiJo system website as follows:
              3.1 The original article is a Word file with ending with .docx.
              3.2 Journal article submission form
              3.3 For research articles involving humans, authors must submit a PDF file document certifying the research project from the Human Research Ethics Committee.

Procedure for considering and evaluating articles

          Consideration and evaluation of articles at every step are carried out through the electronic journal system and website system of Thai Journal Online (ThaiJO) so that the work of Nursing Journal CMU is in accordance with international standards. The steps are as follows:

  1. The author sends the article file to the electronic system of Nursing Journal CMU on Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) website URL:
  2. The editor accepts the article and inform the researcher that the article file has been received.
  3. The editorial team conducts a preliminary screening of the content of the article, consistency with the objectives, and field of study of the journal, publishing format, reference format, ethical issues, and plagiarism, including its theoretical and practical benefits.
  4. In the case where the quality of the article does not pass the preliminary screening, the editor will notify the author to correct the article within 4 weeks. If the author is unable to correct the article within the specified period, it will be considered that the article is considered finished. The editor will notify the author and delete the article from the system.
  5. Once the article has passed the preliminary screening, the editorial team will send it to experts in related fields to assess the quality of the article in a double-blind review without revealing the name of the author of the article to the expert and not disclosing the name of the expert to the author. Then, the editorial team does not disclose both the name of the researcher and the name of the expert to other people as well.
  6. When the article has been evaluated for quality by experts, the editorial team will proceed according to the opinions of the experts as follows:
              6.1 If there is an opinion to accept publication (Accept Submission), the editorial team will notify the author and proceed by sending the article file to the manuscript editing process. The documents are then proofread and formatted according to the original journal articles before being published.
              6.2 In the case that there is a request for the author to revise the article (Revision Require), the editorial team will send suggestions from all experts to the author as a guideline for revising the article as well as send a table form that shows the revisions to the author for review with a prepared table summarizing the results of the corrections. After specifying the recommendations of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd experts on every topic and sending them back to the editorial team, the details of editing the article are as follows.
                       6.2.1 For making only minor revisions to the article (Minor Revision), once the author makes corrections according to the recommendations of the experts, the article will be sent back to the editor within 2 weeks so that the editorial team can check the results of the correction before publishing it.
                       6.2.2 For revising the article on quite important points (Major Revision) when the author has made corrections according to the recommendations of the experts, it will be sent back to the editor within 4 weeks so that the editorial team can send the article to the 2nd round of experts to check the editing results. If it still needs to be corrected, the editor will send it back to the author for editing. After that, the results of editing will be checked until the article is of a quality that can be published, and the number of edits should not exceed 3 times.

          Should the author be unable to make corrections to the article within the specified time-period without reason, the editorial team will request to delete the article from the system and ask the author to resubmit the article so that the editorial team can evaluate the quality of the new article at every step and the author must pay a publishing fee again.
          6.3 If there is an opinion to refuse publication (Decline Submission), the editor will notify the result of such evaluation to the article author, along with reasons, through the online journal system of the ThaiJO system.

How to edit an article before resubmitting

          After the editorial team has sent the results of the evaluation of the article by the 3 experts together with the table form summarizing the results of the corrections to the author, the author will edit the article and prepare a table summarizing the editing results according to the evaluation topic and send it to the editorial team.

* Download  A table for editing articles according to recommendations from qualified experts

* Download Steps for considering of Nursing Journal CMU

Article Processing Charges

          The Journal collects publishing fees to cover administrative costs and to remunerate experts.

          - Thai language article is at 4,000 (four thousand baht) per article

          - English language article is at 5000 (five thousand baht) per article

          The journal will charge a one-time publication fee. When the article has passed the initial screening by the editor, it is ready to send the manuscript to experts for quality assessment.

          Payment is made through a Bangkok bank account, account name "Nursing Journal CMU", account number 968-0-08702-1. We reserve the right not to refund publication fees in any case.

Note: - Publication fee for teachers and affiliated personnel at Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University will be waived.

            - Nursing Journal CMU has no policy for accepting urgent publication of articles.





Privacy Statement

          Name, affiliation, telephone number, and email will not be disclosed by Nursing Journal CMU to any other agency or person. It will be used for carrying out activities within the journal only.