Occupational Health Hazards and Health Status Related to Risk Among Workers in Auto Body Repair Shops


  • สุรดา ถนอมรัตน์ Professional nurse, Sarapee Hospital, Chiang Mai Province
  • ชวพรพรรณ จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ธานี แก้วธรรมานุกูล Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Occupational Health Hazards, Health Status Related to Risk, Workers in Auto Body Repair Shops


Working conditions in small enterprises are substandard leading to the health risk as a result of occupational health hazard exposure.  This descriptive study thus aimed to examine occupational health hazards and health status related to risk among 352 workers of small enterprise auto body repair shops.  These workers are working in the Sarapee district of Chiang Mai province.  Data collection was carried out using an interview form which had been confirmed for the quality.  Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics.

Results of the study

The results showed that the significance of occupational health hazards in a working environment included the following: ergonomic hazards such as awkward posture involving flexion or extension of neck (87.50%), and repetitive movement like always raising arms above shoulder level (59.66%); chemical hazards such as the smell of chemicals (78.98%), dust from paint fumes (73.86 %) and chemical solvents (67.90 %); and physical hazards such as vibration and noise (55.11%).  Unsafe working conditions were characterized by working with sharp tools and equipment (49.43%).  Concerning health status related to risk, common illnesses that may be related to occupational health hazards exposure included neck pain, shoulders and back pain (64.77%), numbness of extremities (58.81%), and eye burning and irritation (45.45%).  Work related injuries during the past three months were at 30.68% as a result of press/pull organs (43.71%).  The results of this study indicate that occupational health nurses and related health teams should recognize the importance of risk management at work so as to reduce undesirable health outcomes.  Risk communications at work is therefore important.  The development of health promotion/risk reduction programs in particular regarding ergonomic hazard should become a first priority.  These results can be used to enhance the quality of working life among workers in auto body repair shops.


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How to Cite

ถนอมรัตน์ ส., จันทร์ประสิทธิ์ ช., & แก้วธรรมานุกูล ธ. (2017). Occupational Health Hazards and Health Status Related to Risk Among Workers in Auto Body Repair Shops. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 118–133. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/135620

