
  • พุทธิพร พิธานธนานุกูล Lecturer, Department of nursing chalermkarnchana university, Srisaket


Older persons, Health status


Older persons risk to health problem both physical and psychosocial domain.The assessment about health status of older persons such as physical health, physical function, psychological function and function and social health be able to plan to caring of older persons. This descriptive research aimed to describe health status among older persons living in Yaplong, Srisaket province. Older persons in this study comprised of 207 elders living in the community. The data were collected from June to August 2017. The study instruments were composed of 1) personal data 2) health status of older person questionnaire developed by Aroonsang et al, (2009). The data were analyzed using frequency and percentage.         

            The results of this study are as follow: 1) Physical health: Older persons of this study, had normal body mass index, had more than 20 permanent teeth. The most of them perceived their health as good and as same as others with the same ages. The three leading chronic diseases were hypertension (34.6%), diabetic mellitus (14.9%) and osteoarthritis (12.6%). The three leading common problems were sleeping, vision immobility and urinary incontinence. For the Barthel ADL and IADL, most of them were capable of performing activities of daily living independently. Had psychosocial supports.2) Psychological function: The most of them had not depression. 3) Function and social health: The most of them lived with their children, resources of older persons were mostly children of their own both in money and in care giving support, had persons to rely on and talk with when having anxious.

            Results from this study provided base line data on the health status of older persons in community, beneficial for planning health care service and used to develop project in order to improve health of each dimension of older persons.


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How to Cite

พิธานธนานุกูล พ. (2018). HEALTH STATUS OF OLDER PERSONS LIVING IN YAPLONG, DISTRICT, SRISAKET PROVINCE. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(1), 12–25. Retrieved from

