Development of an Electronic Book on Prevention of Multidrug Resistance Organisms Transmission for Registered Nurses


  • ฐิติมา มานะพัฒนเสถียร Professional Nurse, King narai hospital, Lopburi Province,
  • จิตตาภรณ์ จิตรีเชื้อ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • นงเยาว์ เกษตร์ภิบาล Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Development, Electronic Book, Infection control, Multidrug Resistance Organisms, Registered Nurses


Multidrug resistance organisms (MDROS) infections in hospitals is an important public health concern for Thailand, contributing to increase morbidity and mortality rates among patients. Compliance with guidelines for prevention and control of MDROs is significant to prevent their spread and decrease hospital associated infection. This developmental research study aimed to develop electronic book on prevention of MDROs for registered nurses. The sample were 42 nurses at King Narai Hospital in Lopburi province. Participants were selected by simple random sampling and the study was conducted from May to August 2014. The research instruments, developed by the researcher, were prevention and control of MDROs knowledge pre-test, post-test, the electronic book user opinion and satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results, process and outcome efficiency of the electronic book was 80.2/82.4 achieving the 80/80 minimum efficiency standard. User satisfaction of the electronic book was high for design, content, instruction media and application.

An electronic book on prevention of MDRO transmission for registered nurses should be disseminated to the nursing to increase their knowledge and thus improve their practice of infection control.


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How to Cite

มานะพัฒนเสถียร ฐ., จิตรีเชื้อ จ., & เกษตร์ภิบาล น. (2018). Development of an Electronic Book on Prevention of Multidrug Resistance Organisms Transmission for Registered Nurses. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(1), 146–158. retrieved from

