Prevalence and Risk Factors of Low Back Pain Among School Teachers in Uttaradit and Phitsanulok Provinces


  • จุไรพร โสภาจารีย์ Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University,
  • สกลพร โสภาจารีย์ Director, Wat Turk Racha School, Singburi province
  • ชมพูนุช โสภาจารีย์ Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Mafaluang University
  • Gabriel Ibarra-Mejia Lecturer and researcher, College of Health Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso


low back pain, school teachers, prevalence, risk factors


Low back pain (LBP) is an important health problem because it impacts on work ability and leads to work absenteeism. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of LBP among 125 school teachers in Uttaradit and Phitsanulok provinces.  A self-reported questionnaire which had been confirmed the quality and composed of personal factors, behavioral factors, environment factors and work stress, and low back pain complaint was used for collecting the data. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and logistic regression.

            Results showed that the 12 month prevalence of LBP among school teachers was 39.2%.  Risk factors for LBP were previous diseases related to LBP (OR=5.5; 95%CI=1.15-26.77), back injuries from work (OR=2.5; 95%CI=1.00-6.21), and work stress from inadequacy of teaching materials and equipment (OR=2.9; 95%CI=0.97-8.66), respectively. School administrators can use the finding of this study to prevent LBP among school teachers.



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How to Cite

โสภาจารีย์ จ., โสภาจารีย์ ส., โสภาจารีย์ ช., & Ibarra-Mejia, G. (2018). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Low Back Pain Among School Teachers in Uttaradit and Phitsanulok Provinces. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(2), 76–87. retrieved from

