Occupational Health Hazards among Longan Growers


  • วีระพร ศุทธากรณ์ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • ธานี แก้วธรรมานุกูล Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • กัลยาณี ตันตรานนท์ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Longan grower, occupational health hazards


Longan growers usually face with variety of occupational health hazards in their work.  This descriptive study explored occupational health hazards and health status related to risk among 383 longan growers.  Study instruments were the interview questionnaire consisting general information and working characteristics, perception of health hazards from work, and perception of health status related to risk.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. 

            Results showed that 61.6% of the participants were female with age average of 49 years old.  They received primary and secondary education level for 56.6 and 31.1%, respectively.  The average working experience was 15.6 years and the average working time was 29.1 hours per week.  They had average household monthly income 6,000 baht and 26.4% of participants had insufficient income with debt.  The perception of important occupational health hazards included being exposed to hot and humid environment and to sunrise (96.6 and 95.8%), being exposed to dust and agricultural chemicals (96.9 and 82.0%), being worked in various risk working postures (83.6-98.7 %).  Moreover, they also perceived that their work involved with uncertain income or compensation (96.1%). Regarding to their health status related to risk during 1 month period, it was found congruent with the perceived occupational health hazards.  They reported the symptoms of musculoskeletal problems for 46.5%, being stress from uncertainty incomes or compensations for 34.7%, being fatigue, weak, and thirsty for 33.2%, and having headache, dizziness, and nauseated for 26.6%.

            This research study results indicate the risks from work that may pose health affects for both physical and mental status among longan growers.  Recognizing of these hazards can help the health professions to reduce the occupational health risks among these workers. 


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How to Cite

ศุทธากรณ์ ว., แก้วธรรมานุกูล ธ., & ตันตรานนท์ ก. (2018). Occupational Health Hazards among Longan Growers. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(2), 135–147. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/145117

