Fear of Childbirth among Adolescent Postpartum Mothers and Related Factors


  • พุทธชาด แก้วยา Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • ศิลปชัย ฝั้นพะยอม Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College


Fear of Childbirth, Adolescent Postpartum Mothers, Related Factor


Pregnancy and childbirth among adolescents are maturational crises because adolescence is the age which is not physically and psychologically mature. This causes fear of childbirth. The purposes of this descriptive correlational research were to explore fear of childbirth among adolescent postpartum mothers and related factors. The samples included 90 adolescent mothers experiencing normal labor. The research tools were: the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) Version B, which was translated into Thai by Nantaporn Sansiriphun (2013); the State Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Form Y-1 by Spielberger et al.,  which was translated into Thai by Nontasak, Aemsupasit, and Thapinta (1991); the Self-esteem Scale by Rosenberg, which was translated into Thai by Soomlek (1995), modified by Niramitpasa (2008); the Bryanton Adaptation of the Nursing Support in Labor Questionnaire (BANSILQ), which was translated into Thai by Chavee Baosoung and Kannika Kantaruksa (2012); and the numeric pain rating scale (Melzack & Kauz, 1999). Descriptive statistics and Pearson's product moment correlation were used to analyze the data.

            The results revealed that adolescent postpartum mother’s fear of childbirth was at a severe level (x̅ = 77.30, SD = 25.55). Additionally, it was found that pain during labor was moderately positively correlated with fear of childbirth (r = .421, p < 0.01). Self-esteem was moderately negatively correlated with fear of childbirth (r = -.581, p < .01). State anxiety was highly positively correlated with fear of childbirth   (r = .818, p < .01). Moreover, nursing support in labor were moderately negatively correlated with fear of childbirth (r = -.581, p < .01)

These findings suggest that every adolescent postpartum mothers should be assessed for fear of childbirth. Nurses and midwives should develop strategies to decrease fear of childbirth by reducing labor pain and anxiety, promoting self-esteem, and supporting adolescent females in labor.


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How to Cite

แก้วยา พ., & ฝั้นพะยอม ศ. (2018). Fear of Childbirth among Adolescent Postpartum Mothers and Related Factors. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 26–36. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/162586

