Effectiveness of Relaxation Training Program and Education Provision for Women with Preterm Labor


  • อัญชลี จิตราภิรมย์ Lecturer, Faculty of nursing, Suratthani Rajabhat University
  • จิรภา เสถียรพงศ์ประภา Lecturer, Faculty of nursing, Suratthani Rajabhat University
  • อารีวรรณ กลั่นกลิ่น Professor, Faculty of nursing, Chiang Mai University


Relaxation Training, Preterm Labour


Stress in women with preterm labor is the cause of unsuccessful inhibit of labor.Therefore, stress management and the knowledge about premature labour pain will assist mothers who are at risk for premature labor having a better stress management. This quasi-experimental research was designed to compare the stress scores between the group receiving program of relaxation training educational provision and the group receiving usual care. The data collection was conducted between August 2016 and February 2017 in labour room at Chumphonkhetudomsak Hospital. Forty participants were purposive sampling and assigned to the control group and the experimental group as 20 subjects each group. The instruments for the intervention consisting of 1) The relaxation training video by the Thai Ministry of Health

2)Teaching plan relaxation training program and education provision for women with preterm labor 3)The handbook of preterm labor knowledge and 4) Mini hand book stress relaxation training recorded.The instruments for data collection consisted of a demographic data form and the Suanprung stress Test-20 (SPST-20) Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and dependent t-tests.

The study found that the experimental group receiving the program had significantly lower stress mean score than the control group receiving usual care (p<0.05).

The results of this study suggest that utilizing the relaxation and educational program for women with preterm labor could reduce the stress.


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How to Cite

จิตราภิรมย์ อ., เสถียรพงศ์ประภา จ., & กลั่นกลิ่น อ. (2018). Effectiveness of Relaxation Training Program and Education Provision for Women with Preterm Labor. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 47–55. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/162597

