Brerastfeeding Promotion Among Adolescent Mothers


  • สุสัณหา สุสัณหา Correspondent author, Professor, Faculty of nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ปานจันทร์ คนสูง Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


Adolescent Mothers


The evidence of the nutritional, immunological, behavioral, economic and environmental benefits of breastfeeding is overwhelming and indisputable. Breastfeeding has been established important intervention to reduce neonatal and child mortality rate as well as prevents obesity risks in newborns. Furthermore, maternal benefits of breastfeeding are to reduce postpartum hemorrhage, reduce the chances of ovarian and breast cancer, lower risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Hormones secreted during breastfeeding create feeling of warmth and calm resulting improves bonding between mother and child. Due to these several invaluable benefits of breastfeeding, the World Health Organization [WHO] and the United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF] advise that mothers should exclusively breastfeed infants for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding for up to two years to achieve optimal growth, development and health of the infant.  Although there are strong evidences in support of breastfeeding for the first six months after birth, its prevalence worldwide has remained low either developed or developing countries, especially among adolescent mothers. Several studies have found that adolescent mothers are less likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding than adult mothers.  It is necessary to study the obstacles of breastfeeding and campaign for breastfeeding promotion among adolescent mothers.  This article will present the issues of adolescent pregnancy and delivery, breastfeeding among adolescents, the breastfeeding problems and breastfeeding promotion among adolescent mothers.


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How to Cite

สุสัณหา ส., & คนสูง ป. (2019). Brerastfeeding Promotion Among Adolescent Mothers. Nursing Journal CMU, 46(1), 239–250. retrieved from

