Anxiety, Social Support, and Postpartum Functional Status Among Mothers with Cesarean Section


  • กนิษฐา แก้วดู Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • ฉวี เบาทรวง Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • นันทพร แสนศิริพันธ์ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Maternal functional status, anxiety, social support, cesarean mothers


Attainment of maternal functional status during the postpartum period is very important for maternal health, especially cesarean mothers. The purpose of this descriptive correlational research study was to explore the relationship between anxiety, social support, and postpartum functional status among mothers with cesarean sections. The subjects were 102 cesarean mothers at 6 weeks postpartum who received service at Rajavithi Hospital, between August 2014 and January 2015. The research instruments used were the State Anxiety Inventory Form Y by Spielberger (1983), the Thai version by Thapinta (1991) with a reliability coefficient of .89, the Mother Social Support Questionnaire by Sitthiboonma, and others (2014) with a reliability coefficient of .94, and the Maternal Functional Status Inventory by Baosoung, and others (2014) with a reliability coefficient of .94. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's product moment correlation. Results of the study revealed that:

  1. Fifty-six point eight six percent of cesarean mothers had a low level of state anxiety.
  2.  Most of cesarean mothers (79.42%) had a high level of social support, and most cesarean mothers (84.31%) identified that the husband was the most supported person.
  3. A majority of cesarean mothers (90.20%) had a high level of maternal functional status.
  4.  Anxiety had a significant and moderate negative correlation with maternal functional status among mothers with cesarean sections (r = -.503, p < .01).
  5. Social support had a significant and moderate positive correlation with maternal functional status among mothers with cesarean sections (r = .385, p < .01).


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How to Cite

แก้วดู ก., เบาทรวง ฉ., & แสนศิริพันธ์ น. (2019). Anxiety, Social Support, and Postpartum Functional Status Among Mothers with Cesarean Section. Nursing Journal CMU, 46(2), 1–12. retrieved from