Social Support, Self-efficacy, and Care Practices Among Parents of Children with Congenital Heart Disease, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Care practices, Children, Congenital heart disease, Parental self-efficacy, Social supportAbstract
Appropriate care practices from parents towards children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are important, as this reduce complications and facilitates surgical success. This descriptive correlational study aimed to explore care practices among parents of children with CHD and to study the relationship between social support, parental self-efficacy, and care practice. The sample was 88 parents of children aged 1-5 with acyanotic CHD. Data were collected at cardiology and cardiothoracic clinics at tertiary-level hospitals in Sri Lanka during March-April 2019. Research instruments were the Care Practices Questionnaire; the Social Support Questionnaire; and the Parental Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. Content validity was approved with values of 0.96, 0.98, and 0.97, respectively. For the Care Practices Questionnaire, test-retest reliability was measured, and the correlation coefficient was r = 0.74 (p < 0.01). The reliability of Social Support Questionnaire and Parental Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, showed equal values of 0.80. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Findings showed that:
- 1. Participants (94.40%) had high overall mean scores for care practices ( = 112.18, SD = 8.19). High mean scores were found in nine of the ten dimensions, whereas dental care had a moderate mean score.
- 2. Social support has a moderate, statistically significant, positive correlation with care practices (r = .47, p < 0.05). Parental self-efficacy showed a high, positive, statistically significant correlation with care practices (r = .56, p < 0.05).
The findings serve as baseline data for nurses and related professionals in pediatric cardiology to better understand and enhance care practices, social support, and parental self-efficacy among parents of children with CHD.
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