Development of “Kratib Kao” for Controlling Food Consumption for Persons with Diabetes


  • ศิริรัตน์ ปานอุทัย Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • จิราภรณ์ เตชะอุดมเดช Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ชมพูนุท ศรีรัตน์ Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • นิพนธ์ ธีรอำพน Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University


Kratib Kao, Food consumption, Sticky rice, Diabetes Mellitus


Persons with diabetes must control rice consumption in order to control blood sugar. Equipment to monitor rice consumption is needed for persons with diabetes to help control rice consumption. This research aimed to develop and examine the possibility of using a specialized Kratib Kao to control rice consumption in persons with type 2 diabetes. The participants consisted of 20 persons with type 2 diabetes living in Chiang Mai and Phayao provinces. The research was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was to explore problems and needs of persons with diabetes to control blood sugar by using a Kratib Kao. Two focus group discussions with 12 participants each were conducted and a Kratib Kao was designed according to the suggestions. The second phase aimed to study the feasibility of using a Kratib Kao to control rice consumption among 8 participants. These participants met the inclusion criteria of having HbA1c> 7%, or fasting blood sugar> 130 mg/dl and consumed sticky rice with at least one meal a day. All subjects were asked to use a specialized Kratib Kao for one month after being informed about Kratib Kao utilization and ways to control rice consumption. The instruments used to gather information consisted of 1) a demographic data recording form, 2)  guided questions for the focus group, 3) satisfaction questionnaire, 4) 7-day food record, and 5) Nutri-fact program to compute daily energy. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Based on participant feedback the Kratib Kao was created and included 2 parts: 1) Kratib Kao for rice 2) a Kratib-base which was composed of a switch, save button, meal switch, rice switch, monitor, battery charger pole and cable, and memory card. After 1 month, caloric intake from carbohydrates decreased from 783.69 kilocalories or 49.28 % to 568.42 kilocalories or 35.73% of total calorie intake per day, which is below the national recommendation (<50%). Calorie intake from sticky rice and plain rice also decreased from 255.59 to 203.61 kilocalories and 363 to 131.84 kilocalories for each meal. Moreover, the participants reduced rice consumption at dinner, resulting in reduced caloric intake from 294.02 to 198.48 kilocalories. All participants were satisfied with the Kratib Kao, since it immediately fed the data back to them and allowed them to control the amount of rice consumed at each meal.

   The results of this study indicated that a Kratib Kao can help diabetic patients to control rice consumption. Thus, it should be further tested for effectiveness in controlling blood sugar among persons with diabetes.


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How to Cite

ปานอุทัย ศ., เตชะอุดมเดช จ., ศรีรัตน์ ช., & ธีรอำพน น. (2019). Development of “Kratib Kao” for Controlling Food Consumption for Persons with Diabetes. Nursing Journal CMU, 46(3), 94–105. retrieved from

