Factors Related to Health Promotion Behaviors Regarding Nutrition Among Adolescent Pregnant Women


  • ฐิตารีย์ ดิษาภิรมย์ Instructor, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chonburi
  • จันทรรัตน์ เจริญสันติ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • พรรณพิไล ศรีอาภรณ์ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition, perceived benefits of health promotions regarding nutrition, perceived barriers to health promotions regarding nutrition, pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index, adolescent pregnant women


Health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition among adolescent pregnant women are important to the health of both pregnant women and their fetuses. This research was a descriptive study to determine the relationship between factors related to the health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition among adolescent pregnant women. The factors studied were derived from the Health Promotion Model by Pender (2011) and a literature review and included: pre-pregnancy body mass index, perceived benefits of health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition, and perceived barriers to health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition. The participants included adolescent pregnant women who received services at the antenatal department in Chonburi Hospital, Chonburi Province from August to September 2016. The instruments consisted of: personal data record form, the Health Promotion Behaviors Regarding Nutrition Questionnaire Among Adolescent Pregnant Women developed by Supawadee Ngernying (2013), The Perceived Benefits of Health Promotions Regarding Nutrition Questionnaire Among Adolescent Pregnant Women (modified from the Perceived Benefits of Health Promotions Regarding Nutrition Questionnaire Among Pregnant Women Questionnaire of  Suwannee Lonuch, Mayuree Nirattharadorn and Siriporn Khampalikit [2011]), and the Perceived Barriers of Health Promotions Regarding Nutrition Questionnaire Among Adolescent Pregnant Women (modified from the Perceived Barriers of Health Promotions Regarding Nutrition Questionnaire Among Pregnant Women of Suwannee Lonuch, Mayuree Nirattharadorn and Siriporn Khampalikit [2011]). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

The study results were as follows:

  1. Health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition were at a good level (= 69.40, SD = 7.24).
  2. Perceived benefits of nutritional health promotion were positively correlated at a low level with nutrition health promotion behaviors (r = .282, p <.01).
  3. Perceived barriers to nutritional health promotion was negatively correlated with nutritional health promotion behaviors (r = -.273, p < .05).
  4. Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index had no significant correlation with nutritional health promotion behaviors (rs = .406, p < .05).

           The results of this study can be used as basic information to encourage adolescent pregnant women to have appropriate nutrition. This information can be used as basic information for a predictive study relating to health promotion behaviors regarding nutrition among adolescent pregnant women.


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How to Cite

ดิษาภิรมย์ ฐ., เจริญสันติ จ., & ศรีอาภรณ์ พ. (2019). Factors Related to Health Promotion Behaviors Regarding Nutrition Among Adolescent Pregnant Women. Nursing Journal CMU, 46(3), 157–168. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/218554

