Child-care Behaviors at Home and Related Factors Among Caregivers of HIV/AIDS Infected Children


  • Tawalchaya Chotecharoentanan Professional Nurse, Research Institute for Health Sciences, Chiang Mai University
  • Suthisa Lamchang Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Patcharaporn Aree Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Child-care Behaviors at Home, Knowledge, Social support, Caregiver, Children with HIV/AIDS


Treating HIV/AIDS infected children with antiretroviral drugs enables them to live healthily. They spend their lives mostly with their families at home, and can lead normal live. Therefore, child-care behaviors at home by caregivers are important. This correlational descriptive study aimed to examine HIV/AIDS infected child-care behaviors at home, knowledge of HIV/AIDS related child-care, social support, and the relationship between knowledge of HIV/AIDS related child-care and social support as well as HIV/AIDS infected child-care behaviors at home. The purposive samples were 85 HIV/AIDS infected child caregivers of children aged between 6 and 14 years who live with their families and have joined HIV/AIDS network group activities during June to December 2014. The research instruments include the Behaviors of HIV/AIDS related Child-care at Home Questionnaire, the Knowledge about HIV/AIDS Related Child-care Questionnaire and the Social Support Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The study results revealed that:

  1. The average score of the overall behaviors of HIV/AIDS related child-care at home of caregivers and knowledge of HIV/AIDS related child-care of caregivers were at a high level.
    The average score of the overall social support was at a moderate level.
  2. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS related child-care and social support were significantly positively correlated with HIV/AIDS infected child-care behaviors at home of caregivers
    (r = .24, p < .05 and r = .47, p < .001 respectively).

The findings of this study could be implemented as a guideline for nurses to promote behavior in caring for children with HIV/HIDS at homes.  Nurse should provide knowledge and social support for caregivers of HIV/AIDS infected children.


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How to Cite

Chotecharoentanan, T., Lamchang, S., & Aree, P. (2020). Child-care Behaviors at Home and Related Factors Among Caregivers of HIV/AIDS Infected Children. Nursing Journal CMU, 47(1), 88–100. retrieved from

