The Nurses’ Role in Rational Drug Use in Hospital


  • Achariya Churyen McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


Nurses' role, rational use of drugs, nursing process


The consideration for the reason or the necessity for drug usage is essential because of the unreasonable unwarranted use of drugs that may cause negative side-effects for the patient. This may lead to treatment failure or an adverse drug reaction, and may additionally affect a variety of physical abilities for the patient. This article aims to indicate the importance of reasonable drug usage and the role for registered nurses to review and apply the nursing process along with a rational drug usage regime in hospitals according to the interdependent role and apply this under the Nursing and Midwifery Act (No. 2), B.E. 2001 (2001) of Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Rational use of drugs in the hospital is important considering that using quality and effective drugs appropriately and safely provides clinical benefits greater than the risks to the patients while receiving treatment in the hospital. Therefore, the interdependent role of registered nurses in providing drugs by applying the nursing process consist of; the patient’s health condition assessment, medicine pharmacological diagnosis, medicine providing plan according to 10 principles, processing as per the plan, and following up the treatment assessment, including monitoring of side effects after taking medicine. For this reason the nursing process is an effective tool for the nursing process, and provides the maximum benefit and safety for their patients

Author Biography

Achariya Churyen, McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University

คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์แมคคอร์มิค มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ สาขาการพยาบาลอนามัยชุมชน



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How to Cite

Churyen, A. (2021). The Nurses’ Role in Rational Drug Use in Hospital. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(1), 355–366. Retrieved from

