The Effects of a Self-efficacy Perception-promoting Program for Nursing Students on Knowledge about Tobacco and Self-efficacy to Promote Smoking Cessation
Perception of self-efficacy, Knowledge about tobacco, Smoking cessation, Online programAbstract
This experimental study aimed to test the effects of self-efficacy promotion for nursing students on knowledge about tobacco and self-efficacy regarding smoking cessation. The sample of this study were second-year students from the Faculty of Nursing, Mahasarakham University, who were randomly assigned to a control or experimental group with 30 in each group. The experimental group received the self-efficacy promoting program using Google classroom and Google meet over a 6-week period, and the control group received a normal program of study arranged by the Faculty of Nursing. Instruments for collecting data included 1) the Tobacco Knowledge Testing Form, and 2) the Perception of Self-Efficacy to Promote Smoking Cessation Questionnaire which had reliability of .70 and .91, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a t-test.
The results of the study showed that, after intervention, the experimental group had statistically significantly higher mean scores of knowledge about tobacco and perception of self-efficacy to promote smoking cessation than before the intervention, and higher than those of the control group (p < .05).
According to these study results, nursing institutions should use this program for increasing knowledge and perceptions of self-efficacy of students so that students can apply their knowledge and skills to motivate their clients to quit tobacco in the future.
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