Effects of Participatory Learning Program on Nursing Students’ Knowledge About Tobacco Consumption Control


  • Achariya Churyen Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Kanyapat Chaeye McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Warodom Samerchua McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Pimpaka Panyoyai McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


Tobacco consumption control, participatory learning program, nursing students


This research is Quasi-Experimental Research which had 2 weeks study period. The purpose is to study the effects of a participatory learning program on nursing students’ knowledge about tobacco consumption control. The sample group is second-year nursing students, which are divided into the experimental group and control group, 23 persons for each group. The experimental group is the group that was experimented by using the participatory learning program, and the control group is the group that is experimented without using the said program by applying the Random Sampling of Pairs. The instruments used in the research analysis are the participatory learning program, the personal information questionnaire, and the knowledge test of tobacco consumption control, which is verified content validity by 3 experts, and 0.70 of Reliability Value. The data analysis methods, that are applied in this research are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, which are Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test and Mann-Whitney U.

The results find that the median score on the knowledge about tobacco consumption control of the experimental group after the experiment is statistically significantly higher than the control group (P<0.001), and the median score on the knowledge about tobacco consumption control of the experimental group after the experiment is statistically significantly higher than before the experiment (P=0.001).

The participatory learning program can develop the nursing students’ knowledge about tobacco consumption control. In addition, the program can be applied as a guideline to educate about tobacco consumption control for the nursing students’ knowledge development to utilise the acquired knowledge within the role of the nurse’s career.


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How to Cite

Churyen, A., Chaeye, K., Samerchua, W., & Panyoyai, P. (2022). Effects of Participatory Learning Program on Nursing Students’ Knowledge About Tobacco Consumption Control. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(2), 128–139. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/255998

