Risk Behaviors and Factors Influencing Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents
Adolescent, Risk behavior, Adolescent-parent attachment, Family cohesionAbstract
Risk behavior Among Adolescents is a national priority issue. This predictive correlational research study aimed to assess risk behavior in adolescents and the predictive power of adolescent-parent attachment and family cohesion on risk behavior in adolescents. Participants were 324 male and female adolescents aged 10-19 years. Research instruments included the Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors Questionnaire, The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, and The Family Cohesion Assessment. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data.
The results of this study revealed that:
- Most participants had a lower level of risk behavior. The mean score was 27.38
(SD = 6.36). - Adolescent-parent attachment and family cohesion had a negative correlation with risk behavior (r = -.163, p < .01; r = -.444, p < .01; respectively).
- Adolescent-parent attachment and family cohesion was a significant predictor that accounted for 21.6% of the variance in risky behavior (R2 = .216, p < .001).
This study showed the correlations between adolescent-parent attachment, family cohesion and risk behaviors among adolescents. It can be utilized as basic information for risk behavior among adolescents and its related factors in order to implement strategies on risk behavior prevention among adolescents by providing adolescent-parent attachment and family cohesion.
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