Gender, Family Characteristics, and Internet Use on Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparison Study
Risk behavior, Adolescent, Gender, Family Characteristics, Internet UseAbstract
Risk behaviors remain a major public health concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. This comparative descriptive study aimed to compare the risk behaviors among adolescents who have differences in gender, family characteristics and internet use. Participants were 324 adolescents aged 10-19 years. Research instruments included the Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors questionnaire and Internet Use questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and the independent t-test were used to analyze the data.
The results of this study revealed that:
- Most participants had lower levels of risk behaviors. The mean score was 27.38
(SD = 6.36). - Male adolescents had higher mean scores for risk behaviors than female adolescents (28.20 vs. 26.82, t = 1.93; p < .05).
- 3. Adolescents with divorced parents had higher mean scores for risk behaviors than adolescents without divorced parents (28.68 vs. 26.78, t = 2.51; p < .01).
- Adolescents with internet use had higher mean scores for risk behaviors than adolescents without internet use (28.54 vs. 26.96, t = 1.98; p < .05).
The results of this study address the impacts of gender, family characteristic and internet use on risk behaviors among adolescents. This study could provide basic information for preventing risk behaviors among adolescents
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