Factors Related to Family Management in Families Having Children with Congenital Heart Disease


  • Suphaphon Wattana Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Usanee Jintrawet Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Suthisa Lamchang Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Family management, Children with congenital heart disease


Proper family management of children with congenital heart disease is important so that these children can receive appropriate care and undergo cardiac surgery according to their treatment plan. The objective of this correlational descriptive research study was to examine factors related to family management in families having children with congenital heart disease. The study sample, selected by purposive sampling, were 85 fathers or mothers providing care for children with acyanotic congenital heart disease aged 1 to 3 years old. All children received care from the pediatric
out-patient department. The research instruments included the Family and Children's Personal Information Questionnaire, the Social Support Questionnaire, and the Family Management Measure. The questionnaires were tested for content validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Eta coefficient, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The results revealed that:

  1. The total family management scores were at a moderate level with a mean of 137.31 (SD=7.67). All dimensions of family management were also at a moderate level.
  2. 2. Personal factors of the family, including education level, had a positive statistically significant correlation with condition management ability and with family life difficulties (η=.555,
    p <.05, η=.683, p <.05). Income had a positive statistically significant correlation with family life difficulty (η=.742, p <.05).
  3. Personal factors of children, including duration of disease, were positively correlated with condition management ability, and frequency of hospitalization was positively correlated with a child’s daily life (η=.313, p <.05, η=.336, p <.05).
  4. Information support was negatively correlated with view of condition impact, and instrument support was negatively correlated with family life difficulties (r=-.224, p <.05, r=-.226,
    p <.05).

            The results of this study provide information on family management related to children with congenital heart disease. It may be used as a preliminary guide to promote appropriate and efficient family management.


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How to Cite

Wattana, S., Jintrawet, U., & Lamchang, S. (2022). Factors Related to Family Management in Families Having Children with Congenital Heart Disease. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(2), 153–166. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/258450

