The Health Literacy and Health Behavior of the 45–59-Year-old Working Age Group in Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province
Health literacy, Health behavior, Working age groupAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between health literacy levels and health behavior levels of 164 working age people, aged 45-59 years old, in Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province. The samples were selected by multi-stage random sampling according to specified criteria. The tool used was the health literacy and health behavior questionnaire adapted from 1) a health literacy survey for Thai people aged 15 years and over, 2020, by the Department of Health; 2) a health literacy assessment form and health behaviors according to the revised version of 3E 2S in 2018, by the Division of Health Education; and 3) a health behavior questionnaire, on knowledge and environmental factors affecting working-aged people’s health, 2021, by the Department of Health. The assessment form had a content consistency index of 0.86 and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of confidence was 0.79. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and tested for correlation with Pearson's correlation coefficient.
The results showed that; the total sample of 161 people had a good level of health literacy as the percentage of the mean score of 76.84 showed a moderate level of health behaviors. The percentage of mean scores was 67.23, and the results of the analysis of the relationship between health literacy levels and health behavior levels found a low to moderate correlation with statistical significance (r = .208-.35, p < 0.05).
The results of this study can be used as database information for health care professionals who look after people in working-age groups to support their health behavior through enhancing health literacy.
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