Effect of the Laparotomy Patient Care Program on Postoperative Recovery


  • sarocha Supathada Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Suparat Wangsrikhun Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Achara Sukonthasarn School of Nursing, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Postoperative recovery, Enhancing postoperative recovery, Laparotomy patient


          Enhancing postoperative recovery can decrease a patient’s length of stay in a hospital and the cost of treatment. This quasi-experimental two-group posttest-design study aimed to examine the effect of the laparotomy patient care program on postoperative recovery. The participants included 28 patients receiving a laparotomy. The purposive samples were assigned to an experimental or a control group by matched pairs according to gender, age, and the location of the operation wound. There were 14 subjects in each group. The research instrument was the laparotomy patient care program developed by the researcher based on the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Guidelines and a review of the related evidence. The data collection instruments were the Demographic Record Form and the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Questionnaire (QoR-40), Thai version. The QoR-40 was tested for reliability and yielded a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.95. Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U-test were used for data analysis.
         The results revealed that the postoperative quality of recovery scores of the experimental group at the 1st day (mean 186.79, SD = 5.56) and 3rd day after the operation (mean 192.93, SD = 4.16) were statistically significantly higher than the scores of the control group at the 1st day (mean 177.93, SD = 12.34) and 3rd day (mean 182.50, SD = 11.65) after the operation.
           The results of this study reveal that the laparotomy patient care program can promote postoperative recovery for abdominal surgery patients.


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How to Cite

Supathada, sarocha, Wangsrikhun, S., & Sukonthasarn, A. (2022). Effect of the Laparotomy Patient Care Program on Postoperative Recovery. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(4), 179–192. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/259167

