Factors Related to Mental Health Status in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy after the COVID-19 Outbreak at the Vitreous and Retinal Unit, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
Mental health status, Diabetic retinopathy, COVID-19 outbreakAbstract
Diabetic retinopathy can have an impact on patients’ mental health. This research aimed to study factors that correlate with mental health status and the relationship between anxiety, stress and depression of diabetic retinopathy patients’ after the COVID-19 outbreak. The sample consisted of 404 diabetic retinopathy patients who received services at the vitreous and retinal unit, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Participants were obtained using a systematic sampling method which involved all patients except for one randomly selecting a queue card. The research tools included a general information questionnaire and the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales (DASS-21). Data were analyzed using chi-square and Pearson's correlation statistics.
The research results found that personal factors that were related to depression levels included age, weight, body mass index, and duration of diabetes. Gender and education level had a relationship with anxiety levels while income had a relationship with stress levels. Moreover, anxiety and stress had a positive significant correlation with depression
(r = .97, p < .001; r = .80, p < .001, respectively)
This study is helpful for nursing and hospital administrators to appropriately plan treatment and care for patients with diabetic retinopathy to reduce the risk of mental health problems, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.
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