Caregiver Burdens and Perceived Self-Efficacy of Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chengdu, the People’s Republic of China


  • Min Yuan Chiang Mai University Faculty of Nursing
  • Chomphoonut Srirat Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Suparat Wangsrikhun Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Caregiver burden, Perceived self-efficacy, Family caregivers, Stroke, COVID-19


          Caregiver burden is common among family caregivers of stroke survivors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. A strong sense of self-efficacy for family caregivers might reduce this burden. The purposes of this correlational research were to explore caregiver burdens and self-efficacy, as well as the relationship between self-efficacy and caregiver burdens among family caregivers of stroke survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the People’s Republic of China. One-hundred and two participants from two tertiary hospitals in Chengdu, China were recruited by purposive sampling. The research instruments included a demographic data form, the Chinese version of the Caregiver Burden Inventory for measuring caregiver burden, and the Chinese version of the Caregiver Inventory for measuring perceived self-efficacy. The internal consistency of the two questionnaires were .96 and .91, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank-order correlation analysis.
           This study showed that the mean score for caregiver burden was 34.39 (SD = 14.50) while the mean score for perceived self-efficacy was 22.09 (SD = 3.25). The mean score was moderate for caregiver burden and high for self-efficacy. There was a negative correlation between perceived self-efficacy and caregiver burden among family caregivers of stroke survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic (rs = -.30, p < .01).
           The findings could be used as basic information for developing programs to promote self-efficacy in family caregivers of stroke survivors during public health emergencies in China.


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How to Cite

Yuan, M., Srirat, C., & Wangsrikhun, S. . (2023). Caregiver Burdens and Perceived Self-Efficacy of Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chengdu, the People’s Republic of China. Nursing Journal CMU, 50(4), 1–13. retrieved from

