Back Pain Management Among Patients after Transfemoral Coronary Angiography: A Systematic Review


  • Thunyaluk Tatong Thammasat University Hospital
  • Noraluk Ua-Kit Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


Systemic review, Back pain, Pain management, Transfemoral coronary angiography


Back pain is a common complaint among patients undergoing transfemoral coronary angiography. Prolonged complete bed rest in the supine position and immobilization of the affected leg causes back pain. There are many strategies to manage back pain in patients after transfemoral coronary angiography but no conclusion regarding the beneficial outcomes for patients. This systematic review aimed to summarize back pain management among patients after transfemoral coronary angiography using the Joanna Briggs Institute Systematic Review Guideline (2020). A search was undertaken to identify studies from 2012 to 2022. Relevant studies were screened to include experimental studies and quasi-experimental studies that studied the interventions for reducing back pain after transfemoral coronary angiography. A total of 10 studies were retrieved and reviewed. These studies employed various types of management, data, and collection methods. Therefore, narrative summary was used to describe the characteristics of the methods and the results.

The results of this systematic review revealed that position change, head-of-bed elevation, early ambulation, modifying the period of retaining the sandbag, and foot reflexology were the five strategies used to manage back pain in patients after transfemoral coronary angiography. In addition, a combination of back pain management methods was used. The studies showed heterogeneity in terms of pain management duration, pain assessment methods, pain assessment frequency, and outcome of back pain management methods.

This systematic review recommends position change as an effective management of back pain in patients after transfemoral coronary angiography; it is widely used and does not increase vascular complications. However, the management of back pain in patients after transfemoral coronary angiography depends on the appropriateness and feasibility of the existing care system.


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How to Cite

Tatong, T., & Ua-Kit, N. (2024). Back Pain Management Among Patients after Transfemoral Coronary Angiography: A Systematic Review. Nursing Journal CMU, 51(2), 27–42. retrieved from

