การเปรียบเทียบทัศนคติของนิสิตแพทย์ชั้นคลินิกระหว่าง 3 ศูนย์แพทยศาสตร์ศึกษาของมหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร ระดับชั้นการศึกษาและประสบการณ์ต่อการเรียนการสอนข้างเตียงผู้ป่วย


  • ศิรประภา ก้อนเครือ
  • กาญจนา เรืองชาญ
  • นาฎลดา แก้วกอง
  • สุวนันท์ จันจีด
  • ณัฎฐวัชร เรืองวิรุฬ




Bedside teaching, Attitude, Medical students


Aim: To compare attitude on bedside teaching in 3 medical educational center, clinical years and experience on bedside teaching in the faculty of medicine Naresuan University.

Background: Bedside teaching is the learning method with the patients which provides the practical application and benefits to the medical students. Besides medical education, the attitude of a medical student is essential to gain experience and knowledge. In this study, the interested in the attitude on the bedside teaching of the medical students have been addressed to investigation.

Method: Quantitative, the cross-sectional analytic study was selected for evaluation. The electronic questionnaire was created for 213 medical students ( fourth to sixth education’s year ) at Naresuan university ; Uttaradit hospital, Buddhachinaraj hospital, and Naresuan university hospital. The confidence of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.949 was taken to evaluation for medical students and teachers.

Results: The results of the 213 participants were reported. The evaluation of the bedside teaching for Naresuan university hospital (27.7%), Uttaradit hospital (30.5%), and Buddha- chinaraj hospital (41.8%) revealed as follows: no significant for the comparative attitude on bedside teaching of 3 medical educational center. But significant when comparative with clinical years for the procedures ( 2.83±0.59,  2.87±0.55and 3.03±0.43 respectively and p=0.024 ) and for the overall impression ( 3.10±0.41, 3.05±0.35and 3.08±0.29 respectively and p=0.014  ). And significant when comparative with experience on bedside teaching for the clinical knowledge ( 3.02±0.21, 3.22±0.41 and 3.07±0.35 respectively and p=0.012 ) and for the overall impression (3.00±0.45, 3.25±0.47 and 3.07±0.32 respectively and p=0.005 ). In part open-ended question, the favorite is to learn from real experience. The most disfavor is pressure from teachers. And suggestion is there should be a comprehensive teaching include history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and procedures by pointing out faults and giving suggestions.

Conclusion: The majority of attitude on the bedside teaching of medical students in the faculty of medical Naresuan University are positive which agree with all seven attitudes. However, some opinions were found to suggest improving this bedside teaching. The results of this study indicate the necessary data and the guideline to improve and develop the study program in Faculty of Medicine, which would allow the student to get proper knowledge from the learning method.


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How to Cite

ก้อนเครือ ศ, เรืองชาญ ก, แก้วกอง น, จันจีด ส, เรืองวิรุฬ ณ. การเปรียบเทียบทัศนคติของนิสิตแพทย์ชั้นคลินิกระหว่าง 3 ศูนย์แพทยศาสตร์ศึกษาของมหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร ระดับชั้นการศึกษาและประสบการณ์ต่อการเรียนการสอนข้างเตียงผู้ป่วย. HSCR [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(2):47-5. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/252207



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