Occupational Health Hazards and Health Status Related to Risk Among Personnel in Maintenance and Repair Department, Uttaradit Hospital


  • Virongrong Charuchart Department of Occupational Medicine, Uttaradit Hospital




Occupational Health Hazards, Health Status Related to Risk, Maintenance and Repair Department


Objective: To study factors of occupational health hazards and health status related to risk among
personnel in maintenance and repair department.

Study Design: Descriptive study (Cross-sectional survey)

Methods: Data are collected by using questionnaires which consist of personal information,
occupational health hazards and health status related to risk factors. Yearly check-up data are collected
by the personnel health promotion committee. Data are analyzed by using descriptive statistics.Results: This study shows that average age of this group was 45.1± 9.7 years and average of experi enced year was 17.1± 9.5 years and 90.3% were using personal protective equipment at work. Exposure of health hazards were 61.3% ergonomics (work down and tilt up), 32.3% from psychological hazard
(urgent works) and physical hazard (loud noises). Health effects related to risk among personnel in maintenance and repair department were musculoskeletal disorders (64.5%), dust/ chemical allergy (51.6%) and stress disorders (38.7%). Occupational injuries were found only 32.3% and all of them were not severe. In terms of Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood total cholesterol except hypertension and chest x-rays, health status of this group were better than the other personnel in Uttaradit hospital.

Conclusion: The main problems of occupational health hazards and health status related to risk among
personnel in maintenance and repair department are ergonomics, chemical and psychological hazards
respectively. Occupational injuries/accidents among this group could be found but no serious conditions.
Health promotion, health education and health risk communication should be done in this group.

Keywords: Occupational Health Hazards, Health Status Related to Risk, Maintenance and Repair


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2021-06-30 — Updated on 2022-07-21


How to Cite

Charuchart V. Occupational Health Hazards and Health Status Related to Risk Among Personnel in Maintenance and Repair Department, Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];36(1):1-15. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/252500



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