The Effects of Psycho Education Program for Increase on Medication Adherence Among With Schizophenia, Uttaradit Hospital


  • Benjamaporn Bualuang Psychiatric Ward, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Sukunya Thechasuwanna
  • Wanvipa Chamnan


medication adherence, psycho education program,, schizophenia


Objective: The study to compare medication adherence of schizophrenia patients to participation in Psycho education program.
Study Design: Quasi- experimental research measured before and after the experiment
Setting Study: Psychiatric Ward in Uttaradit Hospital
Methods : The study in schizophrenia patient for admit in Psychiatric Ward to medication adherence,
cause medication continue and loss follow up by appointment between June 2018 – January 2019. Thay
were ramdomly assigned into one experimental group for normal care with Psychoeducation program
in 3th week after not psychotic with 34 cases and control group with 37 cases. The struments consisted
the Psycho education program developed by the researcher. This were tested for content validity by
five experts to 0.89 and reliability test for Conbach’s alpha coefficient to 0.87 and Psycho education
program on medication adherence behaviors scale. In which both groups were measured when before
discharge and follow up by appointment. Statistical analysis using descriptive statistics, t-test, Ranksum
test and exact probability test.
Result : The two groups is similar in personal information. For medication adherence in the experimental
group there is a tendency to cooperation better before discharge and follow up by appointment.
(35.0+9.6, 31.3+7.7, p=0.075) (36.5+6.2, 35.9+9.3, p=0.798). Although results of average score issue the
reliability of medication adherence scale for two group no different. The ability of observe and manage
of side effect for experimental group over before discharge (33.1% and 29.4%, p=0.023) and follow up
by appointment (35.3% and 31.4%, p=0.029) The follow up by appointment over when end of stydy
(91.2% and 62.1%, p<0.001)
Conclusion: The Psychoeducation program to be affective better schizophrenia patients for medication
adherence. Although no clear results on the issue of medication adherence scale but ability and
manage of side effect and follow up by appointment to get better.
Keywords: medication adherence , psycho education program, schizophenia


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How to Cite

Bualuang B, Thechasuwanna S, Chamnan W. The Effects of Psycho Education Program for Increase on Medication Adherence Among With Schizophenia, Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(1):52-63. available from:



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