The Effectiveness of Breast massage for Stimulating Milk Flow in Mothers After Caesarean Section Uttaradit Hospital


  • Nantana Watcharaphao
  • Phanitnad Chokdee
  • Sopida Chukwan
  • Kanjana Lalit
  • Nisachon Niemnor


breast massage, milk flow, mother after caesarean section


Background: Mothers after caesarean section are the group with problems and obstacles in breastfeeding.
This group of mothers will begin to breastfeed later than mothers who give birth due to their
physical cond Surgical pain causing discomfort stress Such problems affect the flow of milk is not
flowing or slow flowing. As a result, mothers and relatives have anxiety. and make it stop breastfeeding
exclusively. The breast massage will help by stimulatin the mammary glands, promote circulation of
blood and lymphatic system. It can stimulate the oxytocin hormone secretion which cause the let-down
reflex, can help increase breastfeeding
Objective: The level of milk flow Compared with mothers who received massage and did not massage
the breasts of mothers after caesarean section. This is a non-RCT efficacy study in the postpartum
obstetric ward. Uttaradit Hospital in mothers after cesarean section in the obstetrics building after
childbirth Received the service between October 2019 and the month 50 cases, divided into 2 groups
of 25 cases each, starting from receiving the mother after giving birth back from the operating room.
The control mothers were not given breast massage. Self Mamma Control (SMC). Massage at the beginning,
teach, demonstrate, train mothers and relatives, massage every 3 hours for the first 24 hours, and then
follow up with exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.
Methods: (SMC) is methods that mothers and relatives can easily practice, to massage the nipples and
breasts. The baby can fully keep the nipple in their mount. This will encourage effective breastfeeding,
will active prolactin hormone to continuously increasing milk production and mother’s perception increase
the breastfeeding rate.
Results: The mothers in both groups had an average age. pregnancy history average gestational age}
indication of birth The period of abstaining from water and food and birth weight no different The level
of milk flow in the breast-massage group was significantly faster than the non-massage group (p=0.001).
Conclusion: The role of nurse is important in caring for mothers after cesarean to be successful in
breastfeeding by stimulating breast nipple massage together with the training of skills to enter the
socket correctly It will help mothers reduce stress. resulting in faster milk flow
Keywords: breast massage, milk flow, mother after caesarean section


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How to Cite

Watcharaphao N, Chokdee P, Chukwan S, Lalit K, Niemnor N. The Effectiveness of Breast massage for Stimulating Milk Flow in Mothers After Caesarean Section Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];36(1):64-73. available from:



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