Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Care in Patients with New Smear Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Uttaradit Hospital


  • Mantana Kantared Uttaradit Hospital


Pharmaceutical care, pulmonary tuberculosis, drug related problems


Introduction : According to the treatment of tuberculosis has been multiple medication and the
period of time more than 6 months, the drug related problems will be presents. Pharmaceutical care
is the responsible provision of pharmacy to preventing and reduce drug related problems.
Objective : The comparation of the pharmaceutical outcomes between patients with new smear
pulmonary tuberculosis whom received pharmaceutical care intervention and standard treatment.
Methods : Intervention research with historical controlled at Uttaradit Hospital. There were 73
patients in the study, divided in two groups. The intervention group were 29 patients, prospective data
collection between December 2019 to September 2020. The control group with 44 patients that were
collected the data retrospectively from their medication record between October 2018 to September
2019. Drug related problems, adverse drug reactions, medication adherence and clinical outcome were
evaluated. Statistic analysis were performed by chi-squared test and fisher’s exact test with significant
at 0.05.
Results : The proportion of subjects in intervention group have sputum convert at the end of second
month was 72.4 and treatment outcomes was 93.1 which higher than the control group (p=0.124) and
(p=0.696) respectively. The proportion of medication adherence in intervention group was 93.1 and
the control group was 72.7 (p<0.05). Drug related problems in intervention group were less (p<0.05)
so that was 1.93±1.28 and 2.66±1.63 respectively. Adverse drug reactions were the most of drug related
Conclusions : Pharmaceutical care interventions can be made to improve with the medication
adherence and reduce drug related problems in order to increase treatment outcomes. The most
prevalent drug related problems were adverse drug reactions and inappropriate dosage of anti-tuberculosis
drugs. Role of pharmacist in pulmonary tuberculosis must be contribute in the first diagnosis,
especially in patients with renal function impairment.
Keywords : Pharmaceutical care, pulmonary tuberculosis, drug related problems


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How to Cite

Kantared M. Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Care in Patients with New Smear Pulmonary Tuberculosis at Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];35(2):21-32. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/253423



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