Effectiveness of the First-hour Paclitaxel Administration to Reduce the Incidence of Hypersensitivity Reactions in Cancer Patients at Uttaradit Hospital


  • Sairudee Narksanong Uttaradit Hospital


Hypersensitivity reactions, Paclitaxel, Cancer


Object: To compare the incidence of Paclitaxel-related Hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) between
conventional protocol and novel protocol by reducing the infusion rate within the first hour.
Methods: Study in cancer patients who treated with Paclitaxel, aged over 18 by has been randomly
selected. The sample size of the conventional protocol group was reviewed from 2014 to 2016 sample
size at least 91 samples and the novel infusion protocol was arranged from November 2017to July
2018 sample size at least 80 samples, total 171 samples. Data collection tools were included outpatient/
inpatient medical records. Hypersensitivity reactions records. Analyzed basic data Clinical
characteristics of Hypersensitivity reactions,period and severity in the occurrence of Hypersensitivity
reactions.Statistics used exact probability test, t-test
Results: Of the hypersensitivity study among conventional protocol and the conventional protocol
with a reduction in the rate of paclitaxel drip in the first hour showed that both groups all had hyper
sensitivity. The novel protocol had 50% of hypersensitivity reactions while the novel protocol found
93.3%. The novel group had the highest severity grade 1, while the conventional group experienced
the severity as high as grade 4. And the effects of hypersensitivity reactions to treatment, it was
found that the novel group was able to complete all drug treatment plans. This was compared to the
conventional group that was unable to continue the drug and 86.67% needed to discontinue treatment.
When considering the length of time of birth, severity and effects on treatment among the conven
tional and novel groups, there were differences statistically significant at p <0.016, p<0.002, and
p<0.002, respectively.
Conclusions: The novel infusion protocol, with the Paclitaxel drop reduction method in the first hour
of hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs), as significantly lower than the conventional drug administration
group and was able to obtain 100% of the drug according to the treatment.
Keywords: Hypersensitivity reactions, Paclitaxel, Cancer


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How to Cite

Narksanong S. Effectiveness of the First-hour Paclitaxel Administration to Reduce the Incidence of Hypersensitivity Reactions in Cancer Patients at Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];35(2):45-56. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/253432



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