Influence of Marital Infection with Receiving Hepatitis B Vaccine and Hepatitis B Infection in Women Attending Antenatal at Uttaradit Hospital


  • Marilyn Supabroop Uttaradit Hospital
  • Chuchart Kusirirat
  • Porntip Boonkruechoo
  • Pradab Mated


Hepatitis B disease, Pregnant Women, Hepatitis B Vaccine


Object: The study of prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection Pregnancy women and immune
persons among them was done for counseling service to the Antenatal care ones with chronic hepatitis
Band HB immunization for the non-immune ones.
Study Design: retrospective research design cohort
Research: Location Antenatal care,Gestation Unit in Uttaradit Hospital
Methods: This cross-sectional analytic study analyzed the relationship between December 1, 2018
to June 30, 2018 were included. positive HBeAg Pregnancy women 5 case and negative HBeAg
Pregnancy 113 case, using exact probability test and t-test to calculate estimated odds ratio and95%
Confidence Antenatal care
Results: Hepatitis B infection in married couples increased risk of hepatitis B infection 2.58 times.
But when considered by the history of vaccination, the pregnant women who have been vaccinated
Hepatitis B infection in married couples increased risk of hepatitis B infection 0 times. While
thepregnant women who have not been vaccinated Hepatitis B infection in married couples increased
risk of hepatitis B infection 12.5 times.
Conclusions: infected with hepatitis B virus correlates with pregnant women infected Upper risk
2.58 OR = 0,95% (P=0.401) In pregnant women no vaccine infected with hepatitis Bvirusmen Upperrisk
12.5 significantly OR = 12.5, 95% CI=0.13,999.46 , p = 0.03) In pregnant women vaccine infected with
hepatitis Bvirusmen Upperrisk 0
Keywords: Hepatitis B disease, Pregnant Women, Hepatitis B Vaccine


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How to Cite

Supabroop M, Kusirirat C, Boonkruechoo P, Mated P. Influence of Marital Infection with Receiving Hepatitis B Vaccine and Hepatitis B Infection in Women Attending Antenatal at Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];35(2):57-63. available from:



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