SLE Patients with Melioidosis in Nongkhai Hospital


  • Jintara Mangkala Division of Medicine, Nongkhai Hospital


Melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus


SLE is the autoimmune disease characterized by heterogeneous signs, symptoms and pathogenic
autoantibodies. In several studies, infection was the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in SLE
patients. Furthermore, infections in SLE patients can be difficult to distinguish from disease flare ups
while immunosuppressive drugs can change clinical manifestation of infection. Together, these latter
factors may lead to delay diagnosis. From recent metaanalysis study, the mortality rate due to infection
was found to be five times higher in SLE patients than in the general population. In addition, Melioidosis
is considered a major cause of community-acquired bacteremia in the Northeast patients (20%) and
resulting in a mortality of up to 50%. It can also present with a variety of clinical manifestations
especially abscess formation involving any organ. From the above reasons, we therefore collect case
series of SLE patients with melioidosis (which is a rare condition, difficult to diagnose, high morbidity
and mortality rate) in Nongkhai hospital between 2008-2020 compare with other studies. So we can
apply the results of this study for diagnostic and treatment planning in Nong Khai Hospital.
Results: 6 patients were all female with mean age (SD) 30.33 (2.57) years. Mean prednisolone dose
was 20.0 (6.19) mg. History used immunosuppressive drugs is observed in 33.30% and all cases received
antimalarial drugs. High grade of fever is observed in all cases but hepatitis was found only 50.0%.
Disease active involved urinary and hematological system is observed in 83.30%. All patients were
septicemia and sensitive to antibiotic drugs include ceftazidime, meropenem, and co-trimoxazole.
5 patients were cured (83.3%), 1 case was against advice and 1 case was relapse.
Conclusions: Melioidosis should be considered in SLE patients from the Northeast region, farmer
career and have underlying diseases such as diabetes, thalassemia. Since SLE is the autoimmune
disease which increased risk of infection especially gram-negative bacteria and melioidosis, therefore
we should consider ceftazidime or meropenem as first choice for empirical-broad spectrum antibiotic
drugs which sensitive to these organisms. Finally we suggest all SLE patients use antimalarial drug if no
Keywords: Melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus


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How to Cite

Mangkala J. SLE Patients with Melioidosis in Nongkhai Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];35(2):85-9. available from:



Case Report (รายงานผู้ป่วย)
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