Knowledge, Health Perception, Health Care Behaviors Among Diabetic Risk Groups Aged 35 years and over in Sukhothai Thani Town Municipality, Sukhothai Province


  • Somrudee Buapom Sukhothaithani Town Municipality



health care behavior, diabetes risk group, diabetes



Objective: 1. To study knowledge, health perception, and self-health care behaviors in diabetes risk groups aged 35 years and over in Sukhothai Thani Municipality. Sukhothai 2. To study the relationship between self-health care behaviors, health perceptions and knowledge of diabetes risk groups.
Methods: This research is a survey research to study health care behaviors, the relationship between self-care behaviors and health perceptions of diabetes risk groups aged 35 years and over in Sukhothai Thani Municipality. Sukhothai Province and the sample is a group at risk of diabetes in the population aged 35 years and over with fasting glucose between 100-125 mg/dL. A simple randomized sample of 87 people was selected during January–June 2021.Data were collected by questionnaires on personal data, knowledge, perception of risk and severity of diabetes. Perceived benefits and perceived barriers to self-care and self-care behaviors Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics.
Results: It was found that food health care behaviors had a statistically significant negative correlationwith blood glucose levels (r= -.341, p<.01). There was a statistically significant positive correlation with food health care behaviors (r= .172, p<.05). Diet (r= -.118, p<.05), perceived diabetes severity was positively correlated with stress management health care behaviors (r=.128, p<.05), and General health care and prevention of complications were statistically significant (r= .115, p<.05). The perceived benefit of self-care was positively correlated with dietary health-care behaviors (r = .221, p<.05) and statistically significant (r= .204, p<.05) general health care and complications (r= .204, p<.05). with food health care behaviors (r= -.142,p<.05) and exercise health behaviors with statistical significance (r= -.24 9, p<.01)
Conclusion: Research results show that Health care behaviors were directly related to knowledge
perception of risk and severity Perceived benefits and perceived barriers to health care It is information
to promote health behaviors of at-risk groups to prevent and reduce the chances of developing diabetes

Keywords: health care behavior, diabetes risk group, diabetes


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How to Cite

Buapom S. Knowledge, Health Perception, Health Care Behaviors Among Diabetic Risk Groups Aged 35 years and over in Sukhothai Thani Town Municipality, Sukhothai Province. HSCR [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];37(1):83-95. Available from:



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