The Effect of Development Pre-Operative Nursing Care Guideline for Operating Room Nurse on the Postponement of Surgery in Uttaradit Hospital


  • Pranee Deeudom งานการพยาบาลผู้ป่วยห้องผ่าตัด โรงพยาบาลอุตรดิตถ์
  • Kaewkunha Promnoi
  • Kamolwan Onkham
  • Krittiya Jumpa



Pre visit, Postponement, Pre operative nursing care guideline



Objective: To compared the postponement of surgeries in the patients, who had the traditional guideline and developed pre-operative nursing care guideline.
Methods: The non randomized with historical controlled study was conducted by visiting patients waiting for surgery, the samples 443 patients at ward in Uttaradit Hospital with appointment 1 day in advance, and employing the development pre-operative nursing care guideline comprising of nursing record form for patient visiting, VDO media and instruction of pre-operative preparation with QR code of VDO. To compared with the traditional guideline group, patients were visited with nursing record form for patient visiting only, where retrospectively collected data from the medical registration, the samples for 443 patients, and then compared the rate of postponement of surgeries both groups. The statistics for data analysis included by exact probability test, t-test and risk difference regression.
Results: This study found that the group having a new guideline, had decreased postponement of surgeries 8.1% reduced to 6.1% and in the cause of patient and illness had decreased 4.3% reduced to 0.9%. There was no postponement for minor surgeries. However there was no statistically significant for major surgeries.
Conclusion: The implementation of new guideline for pre-operative patient evaluation could reduce the rate postponement of surgeries especially for minor surgeries. In the present study can be applied as a guideline for pre-operative patients evaluation in Uttaradit Hospital.

Keywords: Pre visit, Postponement, Pre operative nursing care guideline


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How to Cite

Deeudom P, Promnoi K, Onkham K, Jumpa K. The Effect of Development Pre-Operative Nursing Care Guideline for Operating Room Nurse on the Postponement of Surgery in Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];37(1):96-106. Available from:



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