Effects of Self Care Program in Congestive Heart Failure Patients in Uttaradit Hospital


  • Patcharaporn Phungthong Cardiac Care Unit, Department of Medical, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Sirinat Mecharean Cardiac Care Unit, Department of Medical, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Jirapa Kumdum Cardiac Care Unit, Department of Medical, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Chonticha Kaewthongma Cardiac Care Unit, Department of Medical, Uttaradit Hospital


CHF, Readmit, LVFF, NYHA classification


Objective: To compare hospital readmission rate between congestive heart failure patients before and after using congestive heart failure care program.
Methods: 114 CHF patients who admitted to Cardiac Care Unit, Pre-Post CAG Unit and attended the CHF Clinic were included and compared the same group under two different periods of time. Control group (n=114 subjects), data collected during August 2021 to November 2021. Intervention group (Congestive Heart Failure care Program) (n=114 subjects), data collected during December 2021 to
March 22. The data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, paired t-test, sign rank test and chance of readmission by multilevel difference regression.
Results: Congestive Heart Failure Care Program can reduce hospital readmission rate to 82.5% (95 %Confident Interval= 89.4-75.5, p<0.001).
Conclusion: CHF patients should follow Congestive Heart Failure Care Program which can decrease volume overload, decrease acute kidney injury and reduce hospital readmission rate.
Keywords: CHF, Readmi, LVFF, NYHA classificatio


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How to Cite

Phungthong P, Mecharean S, Kumdum J, Kaewthongma C. Effects of Self Care Program in Congestive Heart Failure Patients in Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];37(2):59-66. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hscr/article/view/259645



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