Practice Guideline for Reducing Central Venous Catheter Slippage In Patients at Surgical Traumatic Intensive Care Unit Uttaradit Hospital


  • rachaneeboon mornmouang Surgical Traumatic Intensive Care Unit, Uttaradit Hospital
  • Hatairat Jiranantipatti
  • Pattarin Yahom
  • Benjaporn Mun-im



central, venous catheter, displacement, slip


Objective: To compared incidence rate difference and time of central venous catheter (CVC) displacement or slip in critically patients between conventional care and practice guideline care
Methods: Intervention study The study was conducted at Surgical Traumatic Intensive Care Unit Uttaradit Hospital. A retrospective data was performed 112 medical records of patients who had a CVC inserted from January 2020 to March 2021. Fiftysix patients of experimental group had received practice guideline care. Data analysis using descriptive statistics and compared between groups using exact probability test, non – parametric test for trend, t-test and multivariable rate difference regression. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: After adjusted sex, age and agitation that effected to CVC displacement or slip the group was used practice guideline cannot decrease CVC displacement (p = 0.831) but the number of CVC slip decrease 3% per 100 hours to 0 or 3 cases in 1,000 hours (IRD -0.03 95 % CI -0.09, 0.02)
Conclusion: This study shows the practice guideline for reducing central venous catheter slippage cannot decrease CVC displacement but point of CVC slip had not seen significant statistic between two group. However the experimental group had not evidence of CVC slip.
Keywords: Central venous catheter, displacement, slip


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How to Cite

mornmouang rachaneeboon, Jiranantipatti H, Yahom P, Mun-im B. Practice Guideline for Reducing Central Venous Catheter Slippage In Patients at Surgical Traumatic Intensive Care Unit Uttaradit Hospital. HSCR [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];37(2):48-5. Available from:



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