The Management of Online Learning and Teaching: Towards the Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education


  • Professor Dr. Boontip Siritarungsri School of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Online teaching and learning, Professional Standards Framework, teaching and supporting learning, Higher education


In the climate of the Coronavirus pandemic throughout the world including Thailand, digital and educational technologies have become an increasingly important part of students’ lives. Online teaching and learning have been arranged to continue the mission of the institutes of all educational institutions At the same time, various online programs have been developed to support online teaching as virtual classroom teaching by communication technology business. However, tools in particular online programs are considered applicable comparing to limitation in classroom teaching. For this reason, teachers are required to improve instructional skills through the usage of technology so as to maximize educational benefits while achieving learning outcomes of the institutions. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework is therefore proposed in term of applying learning design, whereas using the Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education in teaching towards the professional online instructors to be recognized at the international level.


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How to Cite

Siritarungsri B. The Management of Online Learning and Teaching: Towards the Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 24 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(3):1-17. Available from:



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