Prehospital intubation performed by Emergency Physicians in severe traumatic brain injury patients


  • Tharathorn Durongbhandhu Emergency Department, Chonburi Hospital
  • Kankanok Piyatham Emergency Department, Chonburi Hospital
  • Morakote Wongkumchang Emergency Department, Chonburi Hospital


Prehospital intubation, Traumatic brain injury, Emergency physicians


Background: Airway management is the first essential step for caring traumatic brain injury (TBI). Recent studies failed to demonstrate survival benefit from prehospital Intubation (PHI) that was done by paramedics. However, there is lack of study about PHI that was done by emergency physicians (EP) who have more experience for intubation than paramedics.

Objective: To study the effect of PHI that was done by EP for survival to discharge rate in TBI patients.

Methods: Retrospective study was conducted from 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2017. Adult severe TBI patients who were GCS score less than 9 and were treated at scene by EP from Emergency medical service were included to the study. The patients were divided to PHI group and in-hospital intubation group. Survival rate was demonstrated by Odds ratio and control influenced factor by multivariate analysis. The significant level was 0.05 and all data were analyzed by STATA version 14.

Results: From 121 patients, most of them were middle-aged men and 5 points in GCS score. The major cause of accident was motorcycle accident and overall survival rate was 47.1%. The PHI group had adjusted odds ratio 1.03 (p-value 0.96). Independent factor for survival rate were age and GCS score and odds ratio were 0.96 and 1.33 respectively.

Conclusion: There is no statistic significant for survival to discharge in severe TBI patients who were done PHI by EP.


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How to Cite

Durongbhandhu T, Piyatham K, Wongkumchang M. Prehospital intubation performed by Emergency Physicians in severe traumatic brain injury patients. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];5(3):106-12. available from:



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