Epidemiology of Frailty, Sarcopenia, Dementia among Community - Dwelling Older Persons in Lak Si District, Bangkok
Frailty, Sarcopenia, Dementia, Older personsAbstract
Introduction: Older persons are at higher risks for frailty, sarcopenia and dementia. These are major health problems among Thai older persons. The Research in Thailand is quite limited. Objective: The aims to explore the epidemiology on frailty, sarcopenia and dementia among community - dwelling older persons in Lak Si District, Bangkok. Methods: Use descriptive study among 560 older people in their community-dwelling. Interviews and self-reports were conducted for data collection. Interviews included demographic, The Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI) part B Components for frailty, SARC-F test for sarcopenia and dementia test. All data was analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results: The study found that the average age of the sample was 69.3 with 1) prevalence of frailty (21.07%); reduced eye vision, fatigue, body unbalancing, and walking difficulty including walking upstairs 2) prevalence of sarcopenia (15.18%); holding and lifting difficulties (36.1%), and falling during the year (31.1%) and3)dementia(4.83%) ;memory and cognitive system problems. Conclusion: From the study, it is suggested that health personnel should concern and manage about frailty, sarcopenia and dementia in the older persons and help the clients in every dimension; health promotion, prevention, caring, rehabilitation and referring system for their good quality of life.
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