The establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels for Diagnostic radiology at Chulabhorn Hospital


  • Saiwaroon Teankuae Faculty of Health Science Technology, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
  • Chatthanop Parasompong Phyathai 2 Hospital
  • Thitiya Kittikhemakorn Phyathai 2 Hospital
  • Napatsorn Chaiwongkot Faculty of Health Science Technology, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
  • Jiraporn Laothamatas Faculty of Health Science Technology, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy


The diagnostic reference level, diagnostic radiology, Chulabhorn Hospital


Objective: To establish the typical dose for diagnostic radiography at Chulabhorn Hospital compared with the diagnostic reference level of Thailand and international diagnostic reference levels. Method: The collected data include kerma area product (KAP) from general X-rays, mean glandular dose from mammography, kerma area product (KAP) from interventional procedures, volume computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol), and dose length product (DLP) values from computed tomography (CT) studies. Our sample comprised 850 patients categorized as follows: 400 underwent general X-ray examination, 50 underwent mammography, 200 underwent interventional radiology procedures, and 200 underwent CT scans. Data were collected retrospectively from January to December 2021. The median was analyzed to yield the DRLs. The DRLs were compared to the Thai national DRL and international DRLs. Results: The diagnostic reference levels for general X-ray examination are as follows: 0.38 mGy.cm2 for AP skull, 0.60 mGy.cm2 for LAT skull, 0.10 mGy.cm2 for PA chest, 0.69 mGy.cm2 for AP abdomen, 0.70 mGy.cm2 for AP pelvis, 1.82 mGy.cm2 for AP lumbar spine, and 2.30 mGy.cm2 for LAT lumbar spine. The MGD was 2.02 mGy from mammography. The DRLs of TACE and PTBD were 329.07 Gy.cm2 and 3.58 Gy.cm2, respectively. The DRLs of head, chest, and abdominal CT were CTDIvol 46.35, CTDIvol 8.83, and CTDIvol 8.91 mGy, respectively. Conclusion: The majority of radiation doses at Chulabhorn Hospital are lower compared to the diagnostic reference levels of the Medical Sciences Department of Thailand in the years 2021 and 2023, as well as international reference levels.


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How to Cite

Teankuae S, Parasompong C, Kittikhemakorn T, Chaiwongkot N, Laothamatas J. The establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels for Diagnostic radiology at Chulabhorn Hospital. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];6(2):93-100. available from:



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