The Effectiveness of the Fracture Liaison Service Model of Care for Elderly Patients with Hip Fractures, Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai


  • Songsrii Larpasang Nakornping Hospital
  • Nichakan Chairungsee Nakornping Hospital
  • Siripoj Sribunditkul Nakornping Hospital
  • Worrapoj Pluemrudee Nakornping Hospital


Effectiveness, Hip Fracture, Fracture Liaison Service Model, Elderly Patients


The objectives of this study were to develop and to evaluate the effectiveness of a Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) model of care of elderly patients with hip fractures in the Orthopedic Department, Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. This study was conducted between December 2019 and May 2020. The research instruments were 1) the FLS model of care for elderly patients with hip fractures that was purposed by the International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2012; 2) a socio-demographic data collection form; 3) a clinical data form, including the percentages of participants having a surgery within 72 hours, the length of stay, the occurrences of pneumonia, pressure sore, urinary tract infection, refracture, and mortality rate; and 4) a satisfaction survey form for the medical and nursing team after applying an FLS model. This study followed up outcomes after completing an FLS model for one year and compared the outcomes according to the indicators of the Ministry of Public Health, 2561 (2018). Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage.

There were 411 elderly people with hip fractures who received the FLS model. 58.64% were male, with an average age of 78.01 years. 75.91% were diagnosed with intertrochanteric fracture of femur. The main causes of intertrochanteric fracture of femur were slipping and falling, totaling 85.16%. At one year after completing the FLS model, it was found that participants undergoing surgery within 72 hours accounted for 53.93%. The average length of stay was 11.43 days. The average hospitalization cost was 75,424.74 baht. The following complications were found: urinary tract infection (0.68%), pressure sore (0.90%), pneumonia (0.23%). The mortality rate was 6.61%. There was no accurately reported rate of re-fracture. The overall satisfaction of the health personnel team using the FLS model was high . These results were consistent with the policy indicators from the Ministry of Public Health. Thus, the Fracture Liaison Service model is recommended as a model of best practice for organizing elderly patient care and secondary fracture prevention for hip fracture patients.


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How to Cite

Larpasang, S., Chairungsee, N. ., Sribunditkul, S. ., & Pluemrudee, W. . (2021). The Effectiveness of the Fracture Liaison Service Model of Care for Elderly Patients with Hip Fractures, Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 1(1), 40–54. Retrieved from